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I'm Pregnant!
When you found out you were pregnant, how long did you wait until you told dad-to-be? How did you tell him and was he the first person you told? Did everyone react as you expected?

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Posted by:
on Jan 6, 2015
I'm Pregnant!
BFP after 15 yrs Trying
I went to the OB-GYN for a well woman check up on 1-5-2015. While there I got my BFP!!!
I kind of expected I was since my LMP was on 10-28-2014, but I didn't get my hopes up as I had, had 2 neg HPTs one in Nov and one in Dec.
This is a great surprise and happy moment for me as I had been trying for almost 15 years to have a second child (I am 110% over the moon). My first pregnancy took 5 years before I ended up with a BFP (had to find out with an hcg blood test when painful cysts on my right ovary sent me to the ER back then).
I do have PCOS and was diagnosed with it when I was 16. I am now 36 and in addition to the PCOS I have Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and some other health factors.
This will be my guy's first baby, and his father's first grandchild, so the entire family is over the moon, especially my son who has always wanted to be a big brother (I just don't think he expected it to happen when he was almost 15 yrs old). LOL
Anyways, I don't remember much about my first pregnancy since it was so long ago, I was almost 21, and I didn't pay attention to my body then.
But what I do want to know ... is if anyone has experienced slightly brown tinted ewcm in early pregnancy only on the TP when wiping after going to the bathroom (sorry if TMI).
I'm not sure if this is normal, there was some slight spotting when I had my well woman's check up, and my doc didn't seem concerned about this. In fact the spotting and the exam came before she found out the Positive for Pregnancy results from the lab (they only did a urine test). But they did take some blood to check my hcg levels to determine how far along I am, as she isn't sure if I am 9 weeks or less along since I had light spotting on TP around 11-25 & 11-26 when my Nov. period would have started.
I kind of expected I was since my LMP was on 10-28-2014, but I didn't get my hopes up as I had, had 2 neg HPTs one in Nov and one in Dec.
This is a great surprise and happy moment for me as I had been trying for almost 15 years to have a second child (I am 110% over the moon). My first pregnancy took 5 years before I ended up with a BFP (had to find out with an hcg blood test when painful cysts on my right ovary sent me to the ER back then).
I do have PCOS and was diagnosed with it when I was 16. I am now 36 and in addition to the PCOS I have Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and some other health factors.
This will be my guy's first baby, and his father's first grandchild, so the entire family is over the moon, especially my son who has always wanted to be a big brother (I just don't think he expected it to happen when he was almost 15 yrs old). LOL
Anyways, I don't remember much about my first pregnancy since it was so long ago, I was almost 21, and I didn't pay attention to my body then.
But what I do want to know ... is if anyone has experienced slightly brown tinted ewcm in early pregnancy only on the TP when wiping after going to the bathroom (sorry if TMI).
I'm not sure if this is normal, there was some slight spotting when I had my well woman's check up, and my doc didn't seem concerned about this. In fact the spotting and the exam came before she found out the Positive for Pregnancy results from the lab (they only did a urine test). But they did take some blood to check my hcg levels to determine how far along I am, as she isn't sure if I am 9 weeks or less along since I had light spotting on TP around 11-25 & 11-26 when my Nov. period would have started.
Overall Relate Rating:
3 Ratings
Posted by:
on Nov 22, 2012
I'm Pregnant!
right time!
I just found out I was pregnant in October! I had no idea that I was pregnant - I have always had irregular cycles and complications with my hormones..so when I miss a period for a month or two, its nothing unusual for me. This time however...my boobs got very sore in September and I figured my prd was coming. A month passed by and still no prd, but very sore boobs and some minor cramps. I suddenly got sick (like I had the tummy flu), but I knew something was different. I took a test and surprise - a positive! I was already 8 weeks pregnant!
To all the ladies who have irregular cycles, ovarian cysts or crazy hormones - you CAN get pregnant! Don't give up. I wasent even trying and I was fortunate enough to concieve. Your time will come as well!
To all the ladies who have irregular cycles, ovarian cysts or crazy hormones - you CAN get pregnant! Don't give up. I wasent even trying and I was fortunate enough to concieve. Your time will come as well!
Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings
Posted by:
on Apr 5, 2012
I'm Pregnant!
Pregnant! And looking for a creative way to tell! (help!)
We discovered we were pregnant with Baby #2 in mid February...it's been a looong road already! We have only told our parents and our best friends. I am wanting to spread the news in a creative way but just can't find one! Anyone?? These are some I have thought of but I have seen done already too.. Have a picture of my son holding ultrasound picture, or make a cake that says pregnant! Or just start sending my son in a shirt that says Big Brother! I don't really love any of those ideas and I am looking for a creative idea not seen much to spread the news this time! With our first, we took a picture of the ultrasound picture on top of a onesie and wrote, oh boy...or girl.
Thanks for your help ladies!
Thanks for your help ladies!
Overall Relate Rating:
3 Ratings
Posted by:
on Mar 29, 2012
I'm Pregnant!
so excited
I was suposed to start af on the 27th; was too scared to take a test yesterday fearing it hadn't been long enough so I took one this morning and BFP! we are so shocked we've been trying for 3 months but i didn't actually think it would happen this soon. i've never been so nervous and excited all at the same time!
Overall Relate Rating:
1 Ratings
Posted by:
on Mar 21, 2012
I'm Pregnant!
Positive prego test! Due October 22nd
So I was suppose to get my period February 14 (awful day to get AF) and it never came. I thought it was just because of stress and my extra busy work schedule. We were not trying at all since we have a 4 year old, 3 year old, and 1 year old. AF didn't come the 15 either do before work on the 16 I took a pregnancy test. Sure enough it was positive. I snapped a picture of the test and sent it to the hubby right away. He thought I was lying lol so I took another one I front of him after work and positive again. He was shocked but happy. We are due October 22nd 2012. 3 days before my birthday and our 3rd wedding anniversary. Some present this will be :) we have 3 girls and are praying for a boy! So far this pregnancy seems very different. I crave meat (especially steak and burgers and salty potatoes prepared any way! With the girls it was candy and sweets. I have never been sick before and I am nauseous every morning for a few hours then it gets better through out the day. I do t have any acne (yet) and I did with the girls. Let me know if you think it's a boy or is it just wishful thinking. I will find put late may early June. My hubby wants a secret but I will know :)
Overall Relate Rating:
1 Ratings
Posted by:
on Mar 5, 2012
I'm Pregnant!
Well I tested last Monday the 27th and it was negative, but then I tested again on Saturday because my symptoms were not going away and....BFP!!!!!!!!!! Right away! I went to the doctor's to confirm and sure enough he said Positive! OMG i'm soooo excited. I'm two weeks along ( going from ovulation)
I'm telling the DH tonight, i'm sooo nervous, he doesn't take change very well lol.
I'm telling the DH tonight, i'm sooo nervous, he doesn't take change very well lol.
Overall Relate Rating:
2 Ratings
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