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I'm Pregnant!
When you found out you were pregnant, how long did you wait until you told dad-to-be? How did you tell him and was he the first person you told? Did everyone react as you expected?

pregnant already!!

Posted by: roe on Tue Jan 12, 2010
well, that was quick!! We only started trying a couple months ago, and here we are,5 weeks pregnant. Was kind of shocked the other day when I took the preg test. It was 6 am, was lying in bed thinking, wow, Im not feeling too good these days, maybe just to see, I'll take that test today. Was looking down at the stick as I was peeing on it, and even before I finished the two pink lines were already showing up! I was saying holy crap, I'm realy pregnant. That was enough to get everyone out of bed. Dad to be was quite speechless, he kept saying, so thats why you've been so weird lately! I expected to wait at least 6 months, cause I'm in my early 30's. The only symptoms I'v had so far are very tender breasts,alot of water weight, and feeling crappy all over. It's been 13 years since my last was born, this time it feels so different and new.
Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings


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