AuntX3's Trying To Conceive Wish
My husband and I have been TTC for almost 2 years now. I have had just about every test known and he has had 3 S/A's. The first one came back really good. We went to a fertility specialist, had planned to do a Clomid/IUI cycle since I was already on the Clomid he did a S/A and it came back low so the IUI was off. We waited a month the retested it also came back low, so we are in the process of IVF. I wish that it works on the first try. It has been a very long and disappointing 2 years!
Wish came true!
We just completed our first round of IVF and it worked on the first try!!! We found out on Thursday 1/29/09 that we are pregnant. I go back in 2 weeks to find out how many we are having!! Had Triplets 8/26/2009
- displays total support wishes