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SAHM or Working Mom?
Did you (or will you) stop working and be a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM)? Why or why not? Any regrets in your decision, like do you find yourself wanting to go back to work, or in the middle of a meeting do you wish you were home instead? What would you tell other mom-to-bes who are considering being a SAHM - do it or not?

Staying home, creating home
Now, three kids deep into life I would never never leave my children to work. My husband supports us well. We don't buy fancy electronics and I shop thrift stores. We don't take vacations or have more than one car payment and I cook almost all of our meals. But while other people may pull in two incomes and live 'easier' there aren't happier people anywhere. My children have a strong foundation with parents who they trust and who they can see taking up their own responsibilities for the family with care and pride.
Personally I think that putting children in daycare is a terrible thing that should only happen when there is no other choice for the parents. While kids need the love and support of a community of care givers they primary source for learning and love should always be found at home. Their perspectives on life, their joys and their sorrows, their milestones and their learning should be nurtured by a home maker. After all if there isn't a home maker making a home what it should be than what is it? My children know my job is my life and it is difficult and joyous and they know I'm committed to them and their father.
And I know I'm doing what God called mothers to do. I'm creating a life, a home, a family, and a marriage that serve to protect and grow and create love for my husband and our children.
Overall Relate Rating:
5 Ratings
Lessons on pride, independence & responsibility
I admire and envy SAHM, but I hope they admire and envy me. I am educated and paid well and feel as though I make a difference in people's lives. I am so incredibly proud of my children and I am sad to miss things, but I would be sad if I wasn't reaching my potential. Kids are amazing and resilient and learn so much from so many. I don't think I've damaged the goods any by making them more adaptale.
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5 Ratings
SAHM of twin boys!
I was determined to go to school and get a job after my degree. I'm 27 now, but spent 6 years active duty military and never got my degree in, although I do have college credits. The intent was that I would be able to do a mother's day out program and go to school part time. However, the cost of all that with two was not affordable. We ultimately decided I would stay home after much resistance from me when we joined a church and I started listening to what God and my husband was trying to tell me all along. My calling is to take care of my wonderful boys. I'm not sure if that's what my spiritual calling is (mercy), but I do know that nothing else I wrap my mind around sticks. Being a mom is the best job I could ever have! I love to take care of my boys, even if they don't need me to be right there playing with them (they pretty much entertain themselves while I get housework out of the way). I truly believe that at this point in my life, and while I still want more children that God wants me to be the caretaker of this household. I want to be there for their every moment and to take care of my husband as I feel that is what God is leading me to.
I may be a bit crazy sometimes and need a break others, but I just breath in and realize that this truly is what God wants me to do and I really do love every crazy second of it!
Overall Relate Rating:
3 Ratings
Military Wife
Overall Relate Rating:
1 Ratings
I'm a SAHM
Overall Relate Rating:
7 Ratings
Military mom
Overall Relate Rating:
3 Ratings