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Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Think you could be pregnant? What early pregnancy signs and symptoms are you having? Have you taken one or more pregnancy tests yet (early pregnancy tests before your missed period, or after you're late...)? If negative, have you checked in with the doc yet?

hope to be pregnant this time
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PMS or Pregnancy symptoms?
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1 Ratings
12-ish DPO, AF due...HPTs BFNs...
Got a + OPK May 1...so I am guessing I am 12 DPO. My cycle is 29 days long...due today. When I first stopped my bc, my cycles were longer (32 days) they have gotten closer together and are very regular. I also get spotting a few days before.
So, today my period is due...and I have taken several HPTs...all negative. My boobs have been hurting for over a week. They feel more tight...like I worked out. Not the tender feeling I get when I am PMSing.
My question: Even with the most sensitive of tests, might my hcg levels be too low to tell at this point?
I have also noticed blue veins in my breasts - I suppose I could be over-analyzing they might have always been there.
Any thoughts? Good luck to all of you!
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Up in the Air
My cycle has been a bit long lately, about 31 days. Currently I am on day 36 of this cycle.
I feel completely normal, no cramps, no spotting, but also no tenderness or anything.
What are the chances that this is early pregnancy vs just stress?
I haven't taken an at home test yet, waiting until the 14th or 15th.
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missed period
I miscarried twice b4 i had my Son and i am desperate to have another one. could it be stress?? I am going to see the doc next week.
any thoughts????
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2 Ratings
i kinda know /im pregnant!
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1 Ratings