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Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Think you could be pregnant? What early pregnancy signs and symptoms are you having? Have you taken one or more pregnancy tests yet (early pregnancy tests before your missed period, or after you're late...)? If negative, have you checked in with the doc yet?

Hoping for #1!!!!
I go to sleep earlier than usual. I eat way more than usual. I've been having acid reflux, gas, etc. Anybody have any ideas?
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2 Ratings
2WW! Pregnant? your opinion please??
This is my first time posting. I am currently 4 days away from my due period. However, for the past 5-6 days I have been having consistent mild cramping (dull achy), excess saliva (on and off) and yesterday I just say some small spider veins on my butt/thigh area (first time ever). My cervix is high and firm and closed and wet. From what I found online that "indicates" pregnancy. I have had mild bouts of nausea but that's not uncommon for me as a PMS symptom along with mild dizziness. Hubby and I are not actively trying to conceive ( we use withdrawal for 6 years now) BUT we would be beyond thrilled if we got that lil bundle of joy surprise. What made me think I might be PG was the cramping. I have never had cramping except for the day of my period. Anyone out there offer advice? I place to take a HPT after I am 2-3 days late but would LOVE opinions now! Thank you in advance!!
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Preggers or Hormones?????
Last cycle 7/6...fun in the hay 7/17...approx ovulation 7/19 based on CM.
I think it's way to early to tell but I am a small B cup and now have a full C cup in breast size. No other symptoms besides minor fatigue. I have gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks as well. Totally not normal for me. When I was pregnant with my first, I didn't have weight gain until I was several months along. So I don't think that relates to this more to the extra chocolate chip cookies :)) Anyhoo, what's your thoughts. Thanks!
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1 Ratings
Very Faint line on HPT..should I believe it?
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1 Ratings
POAS in a week???
My husband and I have been trying for a baby for over six months. (Tho for the six months before that we weren't trying, but not preventing either.) I tried doing the BBT thing, but it was hard for us to do because of varying schedules. With my cycles being so irregular tho, it's hard also to judge when O might occur. This month tho, we've just BD'd a lot...
Now, the 'average' of my cycles is 39 days. (Prolly only because I can't remember one of my periods, and I didn't chart it because we were in the middle of packing for a move.) I am due for AF July 21 for a 39 day cycle.
I have been having 'symptoms' that are not normal for before my AF. I have been having terrible nausea when I first wake up. I've been extremely exhausted. (Going to bed early a lot, and today after doing some grocery shopping, had to take a nap, etc.) I normally get terrible acne before AF, and now it's just normal for during my cycle. Oh, and I normally have extremely sore breasts, and very sensitive nipples, and I don't have that at all!
Every time I go to the bathroom, I check, and no sign of AF. But I have tested twice and gotten BFNs both times. I tested using the Answer early result tests, and am thinking I should try the Dollar Tree test when I test again. I was also thinking I should wait until next weekend before I try POAS again. What do you think???
Thanks for your opinions!
(P.S.- My husband's dad just passed away in May, and if I am pregnant this time around, the baby's due date would be the day after my late fil's birthday... My husband really likes that idea... =0) I hope to be able to tell him that his wish will come true!)
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am i prego? last period was May 26th, it's july 15th
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