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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Feb 17, 2008DesperatelyTTC01066
Feb 17, 2008sammie0677
Feb 16, 2008JennyW31073
Feb 15, 2008JessicaMaria0795
Feb 14, 2008cherrylipsTime of my life...0687
Feb 13, 2008redsparkler0737
Feb 13, 2008amyalice0745
Feb 13, 2008Lizas0633
Feb 10, 2008incognitiaillness CD 21 to CD 23...01131
Feb 6, 2008jennh1st cycle tracking...0976
Feb 4, 2008PrncessWas sick from CD12-CD19...2812
Feb 3, 2008Babyprayerscyst still at 2cm...0644
Feb 2, 2008laurie0852
Feb 1, 2008Thia0923
Feb 1, 2008jinxfirst month of charting........0763
Feb 1, 2008BabyDoll0683
Jan 31, 2008Light3rd Month TTC...01196
Jan 29, 2008Wifey060887
Jan 27, 2008COWAlmpost positive this was the month though I'm not sure what...41836
Jan 26, 2008NurseJenny790672
Jan 24, 2008sheemt0868
Jan 23, 2008XONORA5Think I did O on CD20, and hoping less for next month...give...0830
Jan 22, 2008NissaLou0654
Jan 19, 2008JessicaMaria0769
Jan 19, 2008BevAnother BFN always so disappointing!! Temps shot up cd7-cd8...01554
Jan 16, 2008lyn10030617
Jan 13, 2008amyalice0744
Jan 13, 2008DesperatelyTTC0874
Jan 13, 2008WaitingInLine0690
Jan 6, 2008Babyprayerscyst still 2 cm...0608
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