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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
May 30, 2008Rayshine2WW, AF due 28th. I am hoping now that I did O on CD14 (per...281570
May 29, 2008LizasHad an ultrasound this month because of a large clot I passe...0711
May 29, 2008agourmetgalHere we go again......192446
May 28, 2008hopingI don't think this is my month. :(...642623
May 27, 2008PokeyDid 2 test's the weekend and they were both positive!!...763492
May 27, 2008MoPraying hard!...71206
May 27, 2008T4th chart with opks, Second month using Maca...351410
May 27, 2008maui623went on vacation may 31st to hawaii which has a 3 hr time di...101068
May 26, 2008lizzy48TTC, Can anyone have a look at my chart see what they think...71229
May 25, 2008sheemt01092
May 25, 2008Nitrika1955
May 24, 2008TTC231409
May 24, 2008countrygrl9995
May 24, 2008NissaLouAF has arrived.. this is the last chart for me.. I'll be che...571789
May 24, 2008SchatziGot married Jun 6, 2008. Ovulated (according to MMC) during...151116
May 24, 2008ForwardtoFive01015
May 23, 2008mommy2bOK, 2nd try. Timing of bd will be tricky with dh traveling t...101076
May 22, 2008WyomingBabyDustTTC # 1 after 2 Miscarriages... come on 2009 baby!!...101264
May 21, 2008ThiaLooks like I Oed. Now just to wait out the LONG TWW!...392654
May 20, 2008mic242nd round of Clomid... been trying for 2 1/2 years. Need all...161262
May 20, 2008PrncessBFP!!! 2nd trimester... Keep everyone updated. Good luck to...2126307
May 19, 2008Babyprayers0705
May 16, 2008LScottWe've stopped charting temps for a while; the disappointment...0738
May 16, 2008amyalice0772
May 16, 2008Yadi11st cycle on clomid CD 5-9. clomid helped my progesterone. I...191636
May 16, 2008XONORA5Well decided to temp after all, but think was late on findin...191286
May 14, 2008NikAnnFirst month tracking BBT, Was diagnosed with PCOS and found...141341
May 14, 2008jinxFourth month of charting, and first month of clomid. DH and...141194
May 14, 2008ThinkGirlHere we go again. Second month of maca, B6 and Positive Thin...811985
May 14, 2008scrapperhayley61100
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