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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Aug 11, 2008Schatzimust have lost my chart when I was screwing around with my c...491290
Aug 10, 2008Yadi1God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot chan...641881
Aug 10, 2008amyalice0896
Aug 10, 2008CindylujahTWW after 2nd round of Clomid/IUI.dh is out of town so no ex...351559
Aug 9, 2008PCOSCysticFibrosisWhat is this spotting?!...3808
Aug 8, 2008wkmommyPositive Test! Antibiotics might have helped me out a bit b/...171433
Aug 7, 2008Hope4Son241121
Aug 7, 2008MaliaThis was my second cycle after having my baby 19 months prio...0853
Aug 6, 2008Lara2 months after Miscarriage!...21077
Aug 5, 2008gersuz7879Update: May have ovulated on CD 53. Using internet opks and...411851
Aug 5, 2008babyache0737
Aug 4, 2008Brenn06C'mon God give me a break let this be my month and make it S...1454869
Aug 4, 2008TTC8936
Aug 4, 2008svlasekWorking on baby #2...111158
Aug 3, 2008Light9th month TTC. Still no BFP and still only 9 DPO's....331534
Jul 30, 2008EriksAJStress caused this cycle and this cycle caused some stress!...811968
Jul 29, 2008prayers0816956
Jul 29, 2008LScottTemps are falling Only 4 DPO. Help...391926
Jul 29, 2008SandiT0799
Jul 28, 2008sheemtOkay here we go again, this time 32 days DPO, relatively hig...2840
Jul 28, 2008TSixth month charting...301338
Jul 26, 2008mic24BFP today!!!!!!...192881
Jul 25, 2008mommy2bHSG test on the 7th has to be repeated. Its rescheduled for...14999
Jul 25, 2008FawkesI wish AF would just get here so I could start all over :(...492058
Jul 24, 2008ThinkGirlI hope this is my last chart...1602598
Jul 24, 2008Badger511427
Jul 24, 2008Jen3141020
Jul 23, 2008ThiaI am going nutty~...772157
Jul 22, 2008LizasI swithched to b-100 vitamins to get more b-6....0734
Jul 20, 2008MoA new month!...191311
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