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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Oct 20, 2008Bezink0792
Oct 19, 2008MiaLynnette01016
Oct 19, 2008azureblue29Getting the hang of this & beginning to understand my cycles...181229
Oct 18, 2008Damitathis is the first month i charted every thing i have been on...1870
Oct 18, 2008Clareccc75Newbie - First month charting......121125
Oct 17, 2008mommy2bCan we hit the mark before DH leaves again for 3 weeks?...81031
Oct 16, 2008maika0980
Oct 15, 2008sleepygirl6-day spotting after ovulation...01675
Oct 14, 2008EriksAJLiving on faith....361255
Oct 13, 2008BadgerOh well. Here's to another cycle. On the good side of things...611879
Oct 12, 2008svlasekI was hoping a positive pregnancy test was going to be my bi...111304
Oct 11, 2008CindylujahBFP!!!on Clomid/menapur/Trigger/IUI. Last month was a chemic...714220
Oct 11, 2008gersuz7879Took first nuvaring out on 11/6/08. Just waiting to see if I...291539
Oct 10, 2008meridenmaryCycle 3...81260
Oct 9, 2008jinxHere we go again! Maybe I'll get a nice birthday suprise :)...31333
Oct 9, 2008NajoYARG!!!...271384
Oct 8, 2008MaliaI knew it was coming.... watching another month... Good luck...881955
Oct 7, 2008amyalicepraying this is the month, just like everyone else :) not go...171278
Oct 7, 2008countrygrl20847
Oct 7, 2008Hope4SonI am so done!...111616
Oct 5, 2008XONORA5Well, onto new cycle. Maybe birthday will bring good luck! B...761927
Oct 5, 2008ThinkGirlHe's an on time God,it may not come when I want it but,He wi...982049
Oct 5, 2008Babyprayers0808
Oct 4, 2008MrsLiziG1st time charting this month! At first, I thought I Ovulated...31627
Oct 3, 2008gracelandgirlI guess God has other plans for us...943383
Oct 1, 2008Yadi1Spotting on CD10! Don't know what to think....792329
Sep 30, 2008babyacheFirst month charting...341520
Sep 29, 2008tulip230812
Sep 29, 2008TinkerAnd again.... I have found out I have a short LP(usually 1...281368
Sep 28, 2008Thia28DPO & spotting. Please pray....933324
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