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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Sep 18, 2016KRT5th cycle post op- with natural supplements & possibly HSG...482495
Sep 17, 2016Surfete78Cycle #55 :-)...211851
Sep 16, 2016Erika27Here's to another month.......682337
Sep 13, 2016curiousGHoping for my rainbow...272027
Sep 8, 2016Neena06New to charting/tracking...101461
Aug 24, 2016KRT4th cycle post myomectomy...71526
Aug 21, 2016Surfete78Cycle #54...71638
Aug 19, 2016Erika27First month of charting my bbt. Trying to figure out if/when...251686
Aug 19, 2016cycle1Long cycles...52135
Aug 16, 2016curiousGI don't know what to say...321935
Aug 9, 2016Jennyleah151796
Jul 31, 2016TMHorsesInstead of cycle #, it's more like...what year are we on TTC...101616
Jul 26, 2016KRT3rd cycle post myomectomy...51527
Jul 24, 2016Surfete78Cycle #53...41681
Jul 19, 2016curiousGHere I am again...261844
Jul 14, 2016JennyleahMommy of 2 beautiful boys and knowing there is something mis...151882
Jul 9, 2016TMHorsesSometimes we just don't understand, but we keep trying anywa...221801
Jul 7, 2016cycle1Thought we had it last cycle. May have been a chemical. Onto...01472
Jun 27, 2016Surfete78Cycle 52......161682
Jun 21, 2016curiousGAaand at the beginning again...342208
Jun 19, 2016JennyleahI'm a Stay @ Home Mommy of 2 Lil boys and currently TTC our...341857
Jun 17, 2016KRT2nd cycle post myomectomy...41573
Jun 16, 2016TMHorsesTTC for like the 100th or more time. Please Lord, we would l...411978
Jun 5, 2016CrossYourFingersThis is Cycle 5: First cycle trying a little temp-ing and us...112568
May 31, 2016Surfete78Cycle #51.....91684
May 25, 2016TMHorsesPraying that this cycle God will bless us with a BFP. Prayin...732077
May 24, 2016curiousGCycle 2 after IVF......532215
May 20, 2016Jennyleah601959
May 17, 2016KRTPost lapramotomy myomectomy...61535
May 6, 2016Surfete78Cycle #50...281900
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