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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Dec 5, 2008BezinkSo last month confirmed that I should have been tracking a l...61503
Dec 5, 2008BadgerChanged the start date of my 'best friend'...351525
Dec 4, 2008eliasjenfirst month of taking temp...31217
Dec 4, 2008NutsieI think that my chart is normal.....i guess that I am not ha...91013
Dec 3, 2008amyaliceThink I finally O'd on Day 17 . . . and just in time since h...101270
Nov 29, 2008XONORA5OK...AF here at 3pm. Luteal was 13...let's see what this mon...1062411
Nov 29, 2008NikAnnIf Temps fall back down, I'm going to start the Prometrium t...872435
Nov 28, 2008tulip2331303
Nov 26, 2008SandiTGrrr....another AF! But, things are improving with acupunctu...91202
Nov 26, 2008TTCHere we go again...231296
Nov 25, 2008TinkerAnd another one......22 Dec 08 BFP 9/3/09 Looking forward t...553059
Nov 25, 2008Babyprayersstarted seeing Jax Acu Dr. Chu - prepping for IVF #2...0802
Nov 23, 2008Damita0910
Nov 23, 2008ono6660877
Nov 23, 2008HappyjaxBD timed perfectly but not to be this month. Temps kept gett...61272
Nov 23, 2008babyacheWell my LP was much longer, I took B vitamins. I am getting...391538
Nov 23, 2008babysterlingpierce(clomid, metformin, thyroxine, estelle solo, sandrena) start...211481
Nov 22, 2008FrozenFlameMy 1st(ish) chart in MyMonthlyCycles. Now in month 13 TTC, I...441354
Nov 22, 2008Yadi1waiting for AF to arrive. should be soon....682037
Nov 21, 2008Light13th month TTC. Now up to 10 day luteal phase with help of c...301397
Nov 20, 2008steph9101st month charting BBT, getting crazy results from microscop...381548
Nov 18, 2008Clareccc75Whats going on with my temps? Can anyone explain? Its very o...471833
Nov 18, 2008kpersonsa few days late with temp drops... 2nd round of 50 mg clomid...71074
Nov 17, 2008LScottBFP!!! I don't know wether to laugh or cry...272720
Nov 16, 2008svlasekI should be happy I'm not going to be pregnant on our cruise...81199
Nov 15, 2008EriksAJ161138
Nov 15, 2008countrygrl141415
Nov 15, 2008mommy2bDH got home last night, but he's leaving again on the 30. Pe...91542
Nov 14, 2008azureblue29Sad that AF arrived but happy to see that vitamin B6 increas...131242
Nov 14, 2008Bezink0938
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