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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Dec 29, 2008gladbag2937
Dec 28, 2008AngelEyes212nd temp drop today af on the way...492129
Dec 27, 2008XONORA5OK...luteal back to 12 days...so onto a NEW YEAR OF TTC! Hop...1412614
Dec 25, 2008SandiTAll I got for Christmas was another AF!! Happy that my cycl...251379
Dec 25, 2008Babyprayersstarted stims for IVF #2, stims cancelled due to low E2 and...0900
Dec 24, 2008babysterlingpierceoh well here we go again, i was so happy about my temperatur...141443
Dec 23, 2008Light14th month TTC. 1st appointment with fertility clinic 8th Ja...161275
Dec 23, 2008Heaven0901
Dec 23, 2008HappyjaxOn Jan 23rd got my BFP!!...413019
Dec 22, 2008KaleizaFailed another pregnancy test... :'(...441957
Dec 22, 2008babyacheNot going to track anything this month....41049
Dec 20, 2008ThiaI am no Dummy! AF is coming...Darn it all....661955
Dec 20, 2008TTCHere we go again...622576
Dec 19, 2008svlasekNew year, hope it's our year to not only get pregnant but to...81073
Dec 18, 2008FrozenFlame2nd cycle with BBT. This month I'm going to be using B6 to m...211355
Dec 17, 2008Yadi1Temps still over coverline 14 DPO....1193140
Dec 14, 2008ono6660773
Dec 13, 2008EriksAJHope floats.......201286
Dec 12, 2008azureblue29Not really surprised...231232
Dec 12, 2008MaliaUGH... well no more TTC Dh and I are waiting till the end of...1032407
Dec 11, 2008Najo13 months and counting. Not going to temp this month - just...71245
Dec 11, 2008NikshelleFirst chart I have done!!! I hope this will help us out a li...91159
Dec 9, 2008JessicaMaria01011
Dec 9, 2008gersuz7879AF is here! Just had my first 28 day cycle ever! I'm back in...481879
Dec 9, 2008nickBeen trying since Sept. I was hoping to be like EVERYBODY el...41056
Dec 9, 2008Kakes8108Oh well :(...411577
Dec 7, 2008Selmahere we go again... hopefully better luck this time...101245
Dec 7, 2008SchatziMy TTC Vitamin Recipe: MACA, B6, Folic Acid, EPO. Also Takin...472468
Dec 5, 2008FawkesI hope I can O right before my winterbreak. Means I'll have...351687
Dec 5, 2008geyaThey that wait!!!...131269
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