Fertility Chart Gallery
Chart Date | Owner | Chart Description | Posts | Views |
May 17, 2010 | 23077924 | 1 | 1293 | |
May 14, 2010 | Mzluvly | Well I hadn't had a cycle since Feb 28. I got a BFN and bloo... | 11 | 1787 |
May 14, 2010 | LuWen | 3rd month of charting. Went on vacation 16th - 23rd followed... | 27 | 2081 |
May 13, 2010 | Tiajean | I wish my cycles would make up their mind... Frustrating! I... | 7 | 2245 |
May 13, 2010 | pink60schick | unbelievably fed up now!!... | 4 | 1984 |
May 12, 2010 | ssbd4me | 11 | 1879 | |
May 11, 2010 | MrsCTTC | Cycle 7 using CBFM will it ever happen?... | 12 | 1750 |
May 6, 2010 | Ammari | FINALLY got a +OPK and thermal shift!... | 26 | 2640 |
May 6, 2010 | Jen1702 | 19 | 1837 | |
May 6, 2010 | Damita | its another month... | 3 | 2034 |
May 5, 2010 | Babyprayers | 3rd month of DIM, Zymessence, B6, etc, LH surge day 14, stop... | 8 | 2555 |
May 3, 2010 | MissyDee | Cycles back to normal I think!! Going to try and be more con... | 17 | 1860 |
May 1, 2010 | lustrae | I've decided to start charting...... | 0 | 1314 |
Apr 29, 2010 | destined | ttc #2... | 0 | 1157 |
Apr 29, 2010 | MC987 | Onto cycle 9 with a positive outlook, praying for a BFP by t... | 10 | 1832 |
Apr 28, 2010 | jeniaeve | can anyone tell my O day pls... | 3 | 1433 |
Apr 27, 2010 | Rungrl80 | Meeting with a specialist tomorrow. Hoping we can make somet... | 9 | 1647 |
Apr 27, 2010 | Baby2011 | I took my BBT mostly in the evenings but I took it for the 1... | 2 | 1703 |
Apr 27, 2010 | kaylah18 | 5th cycle off BC pill.... | 6 | 1733 |
Apr 26, 2010 | SnowLover | Does this chart luck healthy enough for a pregnancy to occur... | 3 | 1481 |
Apr 24, 2010 | ShawnaJill | Not actively ttc this month, but not preventing. Trying to g... | 1 | 1486 |
Apr 23, 2010 | st26 | Do my temps look promising? Hoping for my BFP this week. Two... | 4 | 2922 |
Apr 18, 2010 | islandbeauty | 0 | 1079 | |
Apr 17, 2010 | Tiajean | Have been sick for a couple weeks. Finally feeling better an... | 6 | 1769 |
Apr 16, 2010 | Dayna | Had the anatomy u/s. It's still a boy! Hubby and I are think... | 83 | 7579 |
Apr 16, 2010 | BFPhopeful | 11 | 1731 | |
Apr 15, 2010 | ssbd4me | No meds this month lets see if I O on my own.This is month 4... | 11 | 4684 |
Apr 15, 2010 | LuWen | 2nd month charting... | 18 | 2044 |
Apr 15, 2010 | WishingOnAStar2010 | 6 | 1762 | |
Apr 15, 2010 | Lala10 | Temp all over the map. So does that mean I ovulated multiple... | 3 | 1687 |
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