Fertility Chart Gallery

Chart Date | Owner | Chart Description | Posts | Views |
Dec 20, 2010 | OobyDooby | 30yo, 9 months post contraceptive pill, 9 months ttc - must... | 21 | 2665 |
Dec 20, 2010 | Cynderella | Keep repeating to myself "have patience"! January day 1 wil... | 5 | 1968 |
Dec 18, 2010 | hope175 | Wishing u All a Very Happy New year :)... | 45 | 3128 |
Dec 18, 2010 | Sam26 | Have had some pretty rough time...... | 0 | 1700 |
Dec 17, 2010 | sissi | last try with clomid, then I will try naturally or just wait... | 25 | 3178 |
Dec 15, 2010 | ILHope | This is a trial run of charting before I actually start TTC.... | 18 | 2234 |
Dec 13, 2010 | cborn78 | Hoping for a Christmas miracle!... | 19 | 2226 |
Dec 12, 2010 | Katie7722 | Early Ovulation?... | 2 | 2142 |
Dec 11, 2010 | lustrae | It's been a couple months since I've been on, and I'm adding... | 4 | 2906 |
Dec 8, 2010 | marylynn | 0 | 1599 | |
Dec 7, 2010 | sperry6609 | This will be the 7th cycle of TTC. Taking longer than I thou... | 8 | 1908 |
Dec 7, 2010 | Nicolioak | PSOC and no ovulation occured this month.... | 7 | 3532 |
Dec 2, 2010 | LMCUK | 13th cycle TTC, 2nd one temping... Really thought last month... | 11 | 2046 |
Dec 2, 2010 | clupham | 1 | 1828 | |
Dec 1, 2010 | IrishEyes | Praying for a Christmas Miracle!... | 26 | 2185 |
Nov 30, 2010 | 35smiling | 5 | 1882 | |
Nov 29, 2010 | tryin4pink | Cycle #5 Well AF showed her ugly face late! Trying to be pos... | 29 | 3761 |
Nov 29, 2010 | BSmith1975 | Cycle #4: BFP not going to happen this month. Found out toda... | 52 | 2895 |
Nov 28, 2010 | CrazyTTC | Best Xmas present ever!!! I wish all of you will get your be... | 26 | 4074 |
Nov 26, 2010 | MeliBelly | Had my HSG on cycle day 11 and it was NORMAL!!! No blockages... | 7 | 2398 |
Nov 26, 2010 | bhd100 | So happy we got our BFP. Keeping our fingers crossed for a H... | 31 | 4118 |
Nov 25, 2010 | JanetPlanet | 0 | 1530 | |
Nov 25, 2010 | want2bpreggo | Third times the charm. On to month 3, second month charting.... | 15 | 2107 |
Nov 25, 2010 | LuWen | Update: DH SA has gone from 0 to over 200mill. Motility is e... | 49 | 2860 |
Nov 23, 2010 | momofagaurdianangel | First round of taking clomid 3-7, estrogen 8-12, and progest... | 18 | 2129 |
Nov 22, 2010 | Cynderella | Well IVF won't happen unitl the new year! Fertility clinic c... | 19 | 2090 |
Nov 19, 2010 | deppypung | 3 | 2206 | |
Nov 18, 2010 | cborn78 | Never thought it would be this hard to get a bfp...what an e... | 27 | 2376 |
Nov 18, 2010 | kaylah18 | 10th cycle off BC Pill... | 0 | 1661 |
Nov 17, 2010 | hope175 | here we go again. Praying for a BFP... | 26 | 2138 |
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