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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Feb 1, 2011mommiesomedayFinally looks like my body worked itself out and now I can f...152257
Feb 1, 2011babyhopes2011After M/C w/Twins....TTC for 3 mths...BFP on 02/28...73837
Jan 31, 2011want2bpreggoFAINT POS OR EVAP?!?...192102
Jan 28, 2011Ready2BMom01483
Jan 25, 2011HorizonsongCycle # 1 Just started charting....101744
Jan 24, 2011JanetPlanet01469
Jan 24, 2011LuWen3rd month TTC since DH had a good SA, I have to remind mysel...492690
Jan 22, 2011Sam26Haven't had such a painful AF in a long, long time. + had...01508
Jan 22, 2011PennyBananaFirst time charting. I'm a little overweight but workout som...201963
Jan 22, 2011momofagaurdianangelok no clomid or estrogen this month will prob. still do the...252302
Jan 20, 2011BSmith19756th cycle: AF arrived in full force...... Onto cycle #7...562966
Jan 18, 2011KTaylorDiagnosed with PCOS last week. Dr. started me on Metformin....92311
Jan 18, 2011CrazyTTC16 DPO, BFNs, can't request serum pregnancy test. AF expecte...353111
Jan 12, 2011Hopeful4BFPMy husband and I have been married for almost 4 years and fo...01654
Jan 12, 2011ILHopeThis is my first time ttc while charting. I hope I get some...562793
Jan 7, 2011momofagaurdianangelRound 3 of clomid, estrogen, progesterone. Hopefully this mo...91861
Jan 5, 2011babyhopes201101728
Jan 5, 2011marylynnI am really confused by my temperatures... The positive OPK...202006
Jan 3, 2011AshleyB02090
Jan 1, 2011curiousGI'm back...152280
Jan 1, 2011mommiesomedayTTC and my monthly cycle is all sorts of messed up!!!...21471
Jan 1, 2011sperry6609Happy New Year to all....52270
Dec 31, 2010LMCUK32174
Dec 30, 2010Ready2BMom01426
Dec 29, 201035smilingGot my first positive pregnancy test on a First Response Tes...22429
Dec 26, 2010IrishEyesWell, no Christmas miracle here. Back to square One....262992
Dec 26, 2010MalS01293
Dec 25, 2010JanetPlanet01301
Dec 25, 2010BSmith1975Cycle #5: Trying a new method... not taking my temp.... I ne...282274
Dec 24, 2010momofagaurdianangelMonth #2 on Hormones. So excited my sister in law got me a f...51887
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