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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Jul 5, 2011Ambrose31618
Jul 5, 2011Hopeful4BFPFeeling crampy, guess AF is around the corner. Grrr. Hey wha...342287
Jul 5, 2011JCC88Trying pre-seed this month and Mucinex....231942
Jul 2, 2011MzluvlyThis morning we did our first iui and the procedure went wel...281862
Jul 2, 2011KES22I'm TTC.This is the 2nd month we have been trying. We are ve...71767
Jun 30, 2011MonicaV8222119
Jun 28, 2011KTaylorYep, it's a beautiful BFP! Used Clearblue Easy digital at 6:...283380
Jun 26, 2011HappyjaxBloody hell... accidental BFP!...704605
Jun 24, 2011Yadi1No temping the rest of this cycle. Taking a break till next...432233
Jun 23, 2011Cynderella32199
Jun 23, 2011CrazyTTCFirst period after miscarriage...82474
Jun 22, 2011TannessaTrying again tonight to catch the heartbeat on doppler!!...644409
Jun 22, 2011curiousGI'm out :(...352441
Jun 21, 2011mommiesomedayWow, this is the cycle that just won't end. So ready for a f...352170
Jun 21, 2011reevestx2Losa's chart...31715
Jun 20, 2011stajames01345
Jun 18, 2011Cat1607152115
Jun 17, 2011denegI'm confused any thoughts what is going on?? I think its a...41591
Jun 14, 2011PennyBananaWhat the ??? Took HPT in the morning and got Neg. Tested OPK...302357
Jun 13, 2011AmandagrllStill waiting on docs office to verify insurance coverage fo...41724
Jun 13, 2011KNSsurroFinally! We got our BFP today. It worked on the first attemp...284494
Jun 13, 2011HopfulllittleTEAn once again we will try...this time they put me back on cl...152005
Jun 13, 2011katherinaKFirst cycle charting. Unsure of what is going on....101675
Jun 12, 2011samiam01966
Jun 11, 2011kmama471689
Jun 11, 2011letsmakeababyBFN! ...Moving on to month 19 of TTC and 3rd BBT chart. Look...172667
Jun 10, 2011strugglingmum2bThis chart has definitely been a little different but I get...61497
Jun 9, 2011ILHopeBack to orally temping this cycle, but still not back to TTC...141860
Jun 9, 2011Sam26......242958
Jun 8, 2011Jeannie101642
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