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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Nov 2, 2011mommiesomedayYup, another short cycle...trying to keep the faith and not...61892
Oct 30, 2011stajames01476
Oct 27, 2011curiousNot sure what's going on. Going to wait until Saturday and t...112305
Oct 27, 2011Amy31537the witch showed her face today another cycle.......172184
Oct 25, 2011AlainaI can only hope for another peak!...123713
Oct 23, 2011jessabellina02024
Oct 22, 2011myladybugTWW I GUESS..............302470
Oct 22, 2011Ready2BMomReally bummed!...252532
Oct 19, 2011PennyBananaRound two of Clomid. Clomid extended my LP by 4 days. Very d...262465
Oct 15, 2011mommiesomedayOMG!!! Here I go again, seriously my cycles couldn't be anym...112248
Oct 15, 2011AnxiouslyTTC01307
Oct 12, 2011MrsCompassAF due today. Temp went up a tiny bit. The wait is not over....151966
Oct 12, 2011beansie123hoping this is my cycle! gonna try for a July baby! wierd-is...201958
Oct 10, 2011letsmakeababyMonth 23 TTC=BFP then Miscarriage :(...594722
Oct 3, 2011Amy31537BFN ready for a new cycle really given up for this month...131899
Oct 3, 2011stajames111990
Oct 1, 2011ConceptionKitCycle62057
Sep 30, 2011mommiesomedayWow, well here we go again. Didn't even O this last short cy...81950
Sep 30, 2011reevestx2Blood test came back Beta was 2. So why isn't my temp going...101720
Sep 28, 2011curiousOn to another cycle....172049
Sep 24, 2011wonderangePast the halfway mark! FX for everyone that this years bring...774107
Sep 22, 2011AlainaI'm praying for another spike!...31765
Sep 21, 2011myladybug342394
Sep 18, 2011Want2BeMommyWOOOHOOO BFP !!!!!...806619
Sep 16, 2011mommiesomedaywell finally heading home here in two days and hopefully can...21847
Sep 16, 2011Tryingfor2ndpost Miscarriage on 12/25/11....22172
Sep 15, 2011PennyBananaFirst month trying Clomid...here we go!...182270
Sep 12, 2011AnxiouslyTTC01335
Sep 11, 2011letsmakeababyCycle 22 & Big changes! We're moving! If everything goes smo...92209
Sep 10, 2011beansie123At 35 years old with a bicornuate uterus, 1 chemical pregnan...131795
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