Fertility Chart Gallery

Chart Date | Owner | Chart Description | Posts | Views |
Jan 5, 2012 | jennylee | This is last month's temp's/chart!... | 0 | 1967 |
Jan 2, 2012 | Loloking | 16 | 2325 | |
Dec 29, 2011 | myladybug | 32 weeks!! 7 more to go! Cant believe it! Im almost in the h... | 99 | 5118 |
Dec 23, 2011 | stajames | Back to try again...hoping the "break" from trying will help... | 11 | 2081 |
Dec 22, 2011 | PennyBanana | Argh. I don't know what to say except this stinks. Don't kno... | 20 | 3606 |
Dec 21, 2011 | letsmakeababy | Back at the top :( Month 25 of TTC... | 26 | 2687 |
Dec 19, 2011 | Imagine | 1st month TTC... | 0 | 1548 |
Dec 19, 2011 | MrsCompass | Bloodwork confirmed ovulation. Progesterone Level @ 36. C... | 14 | 2399 |
Dec 16, 2011 | Amy31537 | Progesterone test says I ovulated :)... | 11 | 2125 |
Dec 15, 2011 | reevestx2 | This so the oddest chart I have had to date. I can't make he... | 13 | 2308 |
Dec 14, 2011 | AnxiouslyTTC | 0 | 1560 | |
Dec 7, 2011 | Ready2BMom | Ultrasound results showed the leftover active follicle is no... | 11 | 2242 |
Dec 6, 2011 | beansie123 | this is my last try for a little one for a while! started ta... | 23 | 2800 |
Dec 1, 2011 | curious | 4 | 2712 | |
Nov 26, 2011 | stajames | 0 | 1778 | |
Nov 25, 2011 | myladybug | Starting a new cycle........ | 20 | 2384 |
Nov 21, 2011 | mommiesomeday | Taking a break for a while. I'll be checking in on you guys... | 2 | 2060 |
Nov 21, 2011 | Amy31537 | tomorrow temp will decide if I test...going start 50mg of cl... | 26 | 2523 |
Nov 20, 2011 | PennyBanana | Round 3 of Clomid. Hoping this will be our month. Baby dust... | 48 | 2801 |
Nov 20, 2011 | Ready2BMom | Clomid canceled due to active follicle on cd3 :(... | 12 | 2365 |
Nov 18, 2011 | MrsCompass | Femara/Letrozole #1 = BFN... | 39 | 2223 |
Nov 16, 2011 | AnxiouslyTTC | 0 | 1409 | |
Nov 16, 2011 | letsmakeababy | Month 24 TTC after recent miscarriage! Lets hope this cycle... | 43 | 2742 |
Nov 15, 2011 | reevestx2 | My temp spiked but I never had an implantation dip...does th... | 26 | 2551 |
Nov 9, 2011 | beansie123 | that's it! no more temping! i'm starting to get a little too... | 4 | 2047 |
Nov 3, 2011 | samiam | first cycle after miscarriage and d & c... | 0 | 2127 |
Nov 2, 2011 | mommiesomeday | Yup, another short cycle...trying to keep the faith and not... | 6 | 2102 |
Oct 30, 2011 | stajames | 0 | 1668 | |
Oct 27, 2011 | curious | Not sure what's going on. Going to wait until Saturday and t... | 11 | 2513 |
Oct 27, 2011 | Amy31537 | the witch showed her face today another cycle....... | 17 | 2382 |
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