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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Aug 11, 2012puttertatLet's make a VACA baby!...31868
Aug 11, 2012JeannieThis is taking forever! :(...22186
Aug 6, 2012ssbd4me02242
Aug 3, 2012GailwynstarrTTC cycle 1. Ended in BFP!...01585
Jul 31, 2012mommiesomedayDH is finally home again from his training and just in time...142112
Jul 30, 2012PennyBananaMonth ttc #22 & #3 of injectables. Here we go again......202550
Jul 29, 2012letsmakeababyletsmakeababyjourney.blogspot...71834
Jul 26, 2012mbdigsGot temp spike but -OPK. Hoping that this is the month!!! Mo...31719
Jul 24, 2012DeeDeeXxX01443
Jul 23, 2012AnneMarieMonth #8 of TTC. Can't believe summer's almost over already!...51713
Jul 16, 2012Jeannie01322
Jul 16, 2012ImagineNicely settled into my new home now really hope my friends a...202128
Jul 15, 2012puttertatI am ready for another baby, let's make that happen!...101763
Jul 14, 2012dnrbabyTTC...our birthdays July 29 & 30 our predicted ovulation dat...111717
Jul 14, 2012BABYMACBaby making business...02019
Jul 14, 2012UrbanBeautyTemp never dropped!!!...01660
Jul 13, 2012ReadyforaSecondWell, after 1 year of trying, we finally got our BFP !!!!...73459
Jul 13, 2012MollyBellDid I ovulate way early? Compared to last 3 cycles this one...12294
Jul 9, 2012MnemesCatClomid (Serophene) cycle #4: days 5-9 @ 100 mg/day. Also tak...01593
Jul 9, 2012GailwynstarrContinuing to chart BBT for next month when we start TTC....01330
Jul 9, 2012ssbd4me92810
Jul 6, 2012wanttobemummyGot a BFP, can't believe it!!! Feeling really rough today th...253897
Jul 4, 2012JanetPlanet22213
Jun 28, 2012DeeDeeXxX01417
Jun 27, 2012PennyBananaTTC month #21 & #2 of injectables. Trying very hard to stay...232158
Jun 25, 2012letsmakeababyCycle 32 TTC-Sadly our baby dreams will be placed on hold du...111965
Jun 25, 2012AnneMarieMonth #7 of TTC. Now that it's summer and I can really relax...71825
Jun 20, 2012mommiesomedayHELP!! I went to visit my DH a couple times here while he wa...11764
Jun 16, 2012puttertatWe still want another baby so we are trying again.. hoping f...152488
Jun 16, 2012Imagine01556
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