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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Jan 31, 2013Rachelw83First time charting....211987
Jan 31, 2013letsmakeababyMonth 39 TTC! We've officially decided to start our first IV...81689
Jan 30, 2013mommiesomedayNot going to chart this cycle but still wanted to keep up wi...31632
Jan 28, 2013puttertatChilling out this month and not going to TRY! What will be w...181882
Jan 26, 2013Surfete78Here We Go Again :-)...382091
Jan 25, 2013hopingHere we are with a fresh cycle. Fingers crossed that the spe...452160
Jan 24, 2013ImagineWell not been temping for months thinking leaving to chance...21642
Jan 23, 2013AprilNurseLearning to chart so always looking for feedback. Not curren...81503
Jan 22, 2013kmackie1981Got my BFP that's second time that evening primrose oil and...604212
Jan 21, 2013AnneMarieI hate to get my hopes up but I'm optomistic about this cycl...41618
Jan 19, 2013Candicegaud01560
Jan 18, 2013ariel011st month charting, not sure of O...11953
Jan 16, 2013PrayingHoping532187
Jan 12, 2013KNAsurro1st month of charting to work with surrogate for journey #2...01321
Jan 10, 2013Sammmy17 months TTC, is this the lucky month?!?!...261951
Jan 1, 2013letsmakeababyWhat a way to ring in the New Year...1st day of my 38th cycl...121906
Dec 31, 2012puttertatStill have the dream of baby #2, hoping to enjoy the reality...562185
Dec 30, 2012mommiesomedayGuess I'm still in the hunt for the BFP after all!...512334
Dec 30, 2012Surfete78Is It My Turn Yet?...542175
Dec 29, 2012kmackie1981TTC after coming off Hydroxychloroquine for Rheumatoid Arthr...201899
Dec 27, 2012hopingI'm thinking about temping vaginally next month if this mont...662180
Dec 25, 2012Candicegaud01355
Dec 24, 2012bdhI guess time to try again :( but after last cycle we are bot...82442
Dec 19, 2012PrayingHopingAnother promising but BFN...382091
Dec 19, 2012AnneMarieGetting a late start to the BDing due to hubs being sick. Th...121696
Dec 15, 2012mbdigsAfter 10 months, got a BFP! I stopped tracking everything be...62681
Dec 3, 2012letsmakeababyMonth 37 TTC!...Wow can't believe I'm even typing that! Its...41832
Dec 2, 2012puttertatBring on the BFP! We are ready ;)...332054
Nov 30, 2012Surfete78God's Miracle Coming Soon...492326
Nov 27, 2012MnemesCatStarting Letrozole @ 5 mg/day, days 3-7. I also have progest...42301
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