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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Apr 17, 2013vergoWasn't really planning on TTC, just kind of not trying/not p...01994
Apr 17, 2013puttertatFirst full cycle on Metformin at max does! Bring on the BABY...713361
Apr 14, 2013Surfete78Another cycle...271855
Apr 12, 2013mommiesomedayHave to sit out this cycle to before the clinic will resume...81813
Apr 8, 2013islandbeauty01395
Apr 6, 2013letsmakeababyMonth 41 TTC...IVF w/ICSI tentatively scheduled for June/Jul...71655
Mar 28, 2013Jen1702First month Trying for our baby :)...01392
Mar 28, 2013ImagineBeginning to lose hope......42668
Mar 24, 2013TikiFirst time in along while had a chart like this....01519
Mar 23, 2013PrayingHopingSame song - Different verse. Likely not temping this cycl...121924
Mar 22, 2013CandicegaudStopped charting cause I got too frustrated and ticked off.....01517
Mar 22, 2013puttertatFirst cycle on Metformin- Hope this will do the trick!...151951
Mar 22, 2013AnneMarieWow, it's official... BFP! Started feeling real after I miss...314147
Mar 17, 2013Surfete78What to do different?...302104
Mar 10, 2013Sam26First period after pregnancy. Not really TTC yet, starting t...12562
Mar 3, 2013letsmakeababyMonth 40 TTC! Sooo ready to begin our 1st IVF cycle in June...11737
Mar 3, 2013mommiesomeday3rd HCG showed my levels dropped and I am misscarrying...it'...232182
Feb 28, 2013Rachelw83Can't believe after such a long cycle, I got a BFP! Hpts are...603394
Feb 25, 2013SM61977
Feb 25, 2013ImagineOn Clomid now days 3 to 7...01645
Feb 24, 2013puttertatMy Chart - 28 months I want to be done with this count down!...192072
Feb 23, 2013hopingCould this really be my month???? YES IT IS!!! BFP!! EPO and...814971
Feb 21, 2013PrayingHopingFertilAid, EPO, OPK's.....242269
Feb 20, 2013Surfete78My New Toy :) hehehe...362057
Feb 20, 2013AnneMarieLooks like I ovulated.... time to do away with the evening p...171973
Feb 17, 2013AprilNurseI found a sm lump on my cervix. Hard, sm (size of pea), & no...22182
Feb 15, 2013Candicegaud21573
Feb 12, 2013KNAsurroTrying for surrobaby #2---miscarriage at 15 weeks. Baby stop...51590
Feb 8, 2013SammmyAnnnnnnd again!...132662
Feb 7, 2013lasicover line, ovulation, conception...42050
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