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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Sep 20, 2013Jeny13#5 cycle ttc...01524
Sep 17, 2013MzDeVoreFirst month of tracking BBT........41992
Sep 16, 2013ChloesmummyOMG I just got a positive!! TTC since July 13, keeping finge...103025
Sep 16, 2013KNAsurro2nd month of charting in preparation of working with surroga...01462
Sep 13, 2013BlakeleyTtc since May. First time charting...01404
Sep 13, 2013PrayingHoping12th cycle...SIS (saline ultrasound) was "clear" (official r...342041
Sep 13, 2013LoriB8311844
Sep 13, 2013KYC8429#3...01593
Sep 11, 2013mommiesomedayBack to TTC with IUI! Fingers crossed that it not only works...101548
Sep 10, 2013jazzymoma01233
Sep 7, 2013Tammarie45+wks, brown spotting, waiting on beta test....342589
Sep 7, 2013TikiStress free cycle and not charting or checking bbt. Au natur...51430
Sep 5, 2013deepsOMG!!! i cant believe this is my month...52992
Sep 4, 2013mrsurban201101338
Sep 3, 2013Surfete78Father's Day Baby :)...542249
Aug 31, 2013letsmakeababyIVF Cycle #2-45 Months TTC!...492033
Aug 31, 2013NazoMetformin with letrozole. ttc#2 after m/c...232612
Aug 31, 2013Candicegaud01371
Aug 31, 2013asma1th Cycle:Trying for our second kid....31529
Aug 29, 2013Gianyconst01279
Aug 28, 2013mommiesomedayOfficially the last cycle that we are going to take a break...51558
Aug 24, 2013soready1Looking good! I hope! Could use some opinions!!! Second mont...101713
Aug 24, 2013Neary01375
Aug 23, 2013praying4twinsNo temping, no meds or drugs, no cm or cervix checks, no tim...41744
Aug 23, 2013Prayerwarrior01512
Aug 23, 2013KYC8429#2, long haul travel on 1st and 2nd Sept...21653
Aug 20, 2013ChloesmummyPeriod late but neg preg test...11393
Aug 20, 2013Jen1702We have been trying since March this year had a chemical in...02357
Aug 19, 2013Jeny13#4 cycle ttc...01863
Aug 19, 2013MzDeVoreLast I have seen my menstrual........11385
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