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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Oct 30, 2013flwpwr101435
Oct 29, 2013praying4twins31531
Oct 29, 2013Prayerwarriordid not bd as much as i shud have, so many fights btwn us...12329
Oct 28, 2013Gianyconst01393
Oct 28, 2013asma3th Cycle:Trying for our second kid....01651
Oct 28, 2013soready1This month is weird.. very long month and still no af... Nev...31766
Oct 27, 2013Neary2nd. month trying!...02020
Oct 27, 2013Surfete78Cycle 15 1st Round of Clomid...442227
Oct 21, 2013Candicegaud01516
Oct 18, 2013LogicalMamaBearDid I ovulate? First day temp spiked I thought I had, but th...92164
Oct 16, 2013KNAsurro3rd month of charting in preparation for working with surrog...12786
Oct 16, 2013londonmummy29, just starting to temp, TTCAL...12015
Oct 16, 2013Jeny13#6 cycle ttc...182468
Oct 13, 2013TikiAnother non charting cycle. Au natural....02316
Oct 12, 2013PrayingHopingCycle 13. Bringing back OPKs and cutting out caffeine....312278
Oct 12, 2013BlakeleyTtc since May, 2nd month charting. Had pinkish discolouratio...41631
Oct 10, 2013letsmakeababy47 Months TTC...Ready to begin IVF #3 after IVF #2 miscarria...221753
Oct 10, 2013mommiesomeday36 mos TTC, 3 IUI's, 2 miscarriages and now we have to take...42666
Oct 10, 2013KYC8429what's with the spotting for so many days......31682
Oct 9, 2013KRTStarted Temping too late...01392
Oct 6, 2013jazzymomaLadies what do think is going on? Could this be the one?...01491
Sep 30, 2013Surfete781 YEAR MARK...662526
Sep 30, 2013asma2th Cycle:Trying for our second kid....21698
Sep 29, 2013ILHopeI am out, but I am sharing so I can easily see my trends goi...01521
Sep 28, 2013Gianyconst01328
Sep 23, 2013soready1Hoping this month is the one :)...232264
Sep 23, 2013Neary1st. month trying after miscarriage!...01312
Sep 22, 2013Candicegaud01402
Sep 21, 2013praying4twinsAgain no temping, checking or pills... All Natural #2 cycle....41659
Sep 21, 2013Prayerwarrior01600
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