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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Jun 4, 2014Jeny13#14 cycle ttc - BFP!!!!...112434
Jun 3, 2014KRTTTC...and praying it happens soon....131754
Jun 3, 2014praying4twins32134
May 31, 2014Surfete78CYCLE 23... Clomid+IUI...401857
May 29, 2014GloryN01786
May 26, 2014KNMsurroCharting for TS journey...01992
May 21, 2014Babybear181509
May 20, 2014AndreaLynnMaybe this month.......11437
May 16, 2014letsmakeababyCycle #54 TTC-IVF #2...361833
May 16, 2014Carynd13Ok, so my last cycle was very long and a little confusing. I...121938
May 12, 2014luvbugnorm22735
May 11, 2014Betsy404This cycle makes no sense to me. Usually have low temps for...21442
May 11, 2014Cpelt006Cycle #3 here we go again...52026
May 9, 2014PrayingHopingCycle #20......502041
May 7, 2014Jeny13#13 cycle ttc...41499
May 5, 2014amandahugsandkiss22003
May 5, 2014Surfete78Vacation Cycle :) TX OR BUST...131679
May 3, 2014KRTAnother Cycle......191815
May 2, 2014iwanttobeamummyTTC Cycle #2 - Here we go again, hopefully I'll OV sooner th...822273
Apr 28, 2014PennyBananaTTC IVF baby #2 with FET....141652
Apr 27, 2014KNMsurroCharting for TS journey...01562
Apr 23, 2014Lunity21988
Apr 20, 2014AndreaLynnStarting clomid this month. I hope this works.....41583
Apr 17, 2014Babybear1First month trying clomid 50mg also doing acupuncture.. Any...41647
Apr 15, 2014mommaZLatest BBT chart...22068
Apr 14, 2014islandbeauty01416
Apr 12, 2014GailwynstarrTTC Cycle 1. Just finished breastfeeding this month & hope t...12194
Apr 12, 2014PrayingHopingCycle 19......272026
Apr 12, 2014Cpelt006Started a new one and this is it so far. Don't know what I e...111606
Apr 11, 2014Betsy404Did I ovulate twice? Confused...21597
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