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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Aug 15, 2014BabyAngel2010Some inconsistant waking times but fairly normal temp ranges...01961
Aug 14, 2014mattchris2001TTC #4 using preseed,softcup,OPK and BBT. Trying after 14 ye...62007
Aug 9, 2014PrayingHopingCycle 23. Laparoscopy performed 8/14 - Stage 2 endometri...472151
Aug 9, 2014letsmakeababyCycle 57 TTC...hoping this cycle is more regular than last m...61638
Jul 28, 2014TMHorsesThis will be that last chart that is shared because if it do...121700
Jul 25, 2014iwanttobeamummyTTC- Last cycle was 80day's with no OV, I really hope this o...1132692
Jul 25, 2014Surfete78Cycle #25 (Break Time)...602187
Jul 21, 2014Lb14Starting the month with higher temps than usual, for me. Now...32056
Jul 14, 2014Carynd13Lets see how this goes with no clomid or anything...31682
Jul 13, 2014Waiting4aBFP6th cycle TTC and 1st month temping (started end of this cyc...71563
Jul 10, 2014PrayingHopingAaaand...Cycle #22......462127
Jul 9, 2014Betsy404Does anyone think its weird to have eggwhite CF from day 13-...22147
Jul 4, 2014KRTTTC....Another Cycle...111912
Jul 2, 2014TMHorsesTTC....again this month, Giving it another try!...111627
Jul 1, 2014luvbugnormTTC Cycle #4...02069
Jun 29, 2014Babybear1Clomid 100mg 3-7 scan done cd12 doc said no response to clom...172311
Jun 29, 2014sunshineblueskiesTtc #2...12018
Jun 29, 2014ButterflyFairyPost Miscarriage - TTC Cycle 6...71958
Jun 28, 2014Surfete78Cycle 24.. Clomid + IUI #4...381898
Jun 25, 2014MyChart01880
Jun 18, 2014Carynd13My husband is away on business for the rest of this month co...21775
Jun 18, 2014AndreaLynnTrying acupuncture this month....22116
Jun 18, 2014letsmakeababy111502
Jun 15, 2014Lb14I don't like to POAS & I so I'd rather not but... I'd like a...51824
Jun 13, 2014catmom14I wonder if I am starting to have a normal cycle. Temps tak...31949
Jun 10, 2014PrayingHopingCycle #21 TTC - Vacation cycle (we'll be out of town visitin...441896
Jun 8, 2014TMHorsesJune 2014 Charting... Started spotting today... any opinions...61531
Jun 7, 2014Smormanhow's this look so far?...01894
Jun 6, 2014luvbugnormTTC Cycle #3...11657
Jun 5, 2014PennyBananaUPDATE: BFP!....First FET cycle, scheduled for 6/25. Hope #2...362639
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