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Chart Date Owner Chart Description Posts Views
Feb 18, 2015Surfete78Cycle 33... IUI#5 with progesterone...251929
Feb 16, 2015Journey2makeAbabyCharting for surrogate journey...01489
Feb 12, 2015MelaMommyCycle #8 of TTC #3--praying for our little girl!...101557
Feb 5, 2015puttertatI now have four little angles in heaven....161933
Feb 3, 2015PennyBananaUPDATE: JOY!...453750
Feb 2, 2015PrayingHoping#29 - Second Medicated Cycle Follicle Check - Right 23mm,...321948
Jan 27, 2015iwanttobeamummyAnother cycle. Praying for my BFP....91767
Jan 27, 2015Softness2nd ICI attempt. After a miscarriage, I am hoping this month...01839
Jan 24, 2015ttcmyownTTC #2 having issues trying to chart bbt. Working overnights...11475
Jan 24, 2015jadehjdhartil...01691
Jan 23, 2015Surfete78Cycle 32...241889
Jan 19, 2015MelaMommy7th Cycle of TTC #3--hoping for our little girl!...51576
Jan 18, 2015Journey2makeAbabyCharting for surrogate journey-TS...01391
Jan 10, 2015puttertatThe last one!...71724
Jan 6, 2015Babe87261804
Jan 5, 2015Rachelw83Okay, we arent ttc, but I wanted off of bc . Well, this is m...01966
Jan 1, 2015PrayingHopingCycle 28 - first medicated cycle...372112
Dec 29, 2014ttcmyownDon't know how read this chart....41606
Dec 27, 2014jadehJDees BBT...01445
Dec 26, 2014iwanttobeamummyAnd another one :-( Please let 2015 be my year. I've been tr...251696
Dec 26, 2014Surfete78cycle 31.... This is already old :/...151883
Dec 25, 2014MelaMommyTTC #3--Cycle #6...121663
Dec 23, 2014galleri01844
Dec 20, 2014dawcjwI got pregnant this cycle but I'm trying to figure out when...23073
Dec 12, 2014Babe87Ugly face showed =[...51595
Dec 6, 2014Journey2makeAbabyCharting for surrogate sibling journey...01383
Dec 2, 2014islandbeautyCycle #56...151780
Dec 1, 2014PrayingHopingCycle 27...232016
Dec 1, 2014Surfete78cycle 30......221848
Nov 30, 2014MelaMommyTTC #3--Cycle #5...01533
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