Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Think you could be pregnant? What early pregnancy signs and symptoms are you having?
Have you taken one or more pregnancy tests yet (early pregnancy tests before your missed period,
or after you're late...)? If negative, have you checked in with the doc yet?
Posted by:
on Sep 28, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Nervous to Test
My hubby and I have been trying for baby #2 for 8 months now, and during those have been having trouble with really really wacky periods. I never used the ovulation tests, partly because we were trying not to stress about it. Everytime I was "late" I would test and get a BFN...I figured out that my average cycle is 34 days rather than 28. I did a test on day 33 this month because I had sore breasts and never got my "PMS" day where I am usually a raging you-know-what. It was another BFN. But today is day 37 of my cycle and my breasts are just getting more and more sore and I am having some cramping and lower back pain. I realize that both could be AF on the way, but I have never experienced the breast soreness this much with PMS, just my first pregnancy. I was thinking about testing again, but I am so so so afraid of another BFN. What do you think? When should I test again?
Posted by:
on Sep 17, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Pregnant?? Need advice!
Hey all! I need some advice. So me and the hubby have been TTC for 4 months. I am 25 and he is 24. The only new things I have been feeling this go around are that I've been having weird pregnancy dreams, my boobs feel heavier than usual and tender at times. For the past two nights my nose has been stuffy and but cleared up within a few hours. Also all today and a little yesterday I've felt weird sensations in my lower abdomen. Not really cramps but kind of. Very mild though. My period is due next Wednesday. What do yall think? Could I be pregars?
Posted by:
on Sep 17, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
so for the past 3 months me and my partner habve been trying to have a baby, last month my period was unusually short only lasting 3 days and was very light as normally it is quite heavy. i googled this and thought it could possibly be implantation bleeding so i did a test and it came back negative. i read online to wait till the next period is due and see what happens. i am now 10 days late on my period so i did the test yesterday and it was negative again. i have never been late before, if anything i have been 1 or 2 days early so i dont quite understand why this is happening. ive heard some women can do 3 tests before it finally shows positive but i dont want to get my hopes up(and they are not cheap)as i did yesterday. i know its not been long since we first started trying and maybe im reading too much in to it but it seems like my body is telling me something but the tests are saying otherwise. has anyone has the same experiences?
Posted by:
on Sep 14, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
I have pregnancy symptoms, but test negative
I generally have a 26 day cycle, I was due to start my period on the 12th. I generally wake up in the AM with AF, with heavy cramping the day before. I do get a little emotional the week before, and crave chocolate during. Last week, I noticed my mood swings I knew AF was coming so shrugged it off. I have been a constant ball of up and down emotions, irritable, lets just say I'm driving myself crazy. I've had some cramping off and on, and now mostly off. The evening that I should have started I had some brownish type mucus, not alot just some on the TP, then a tiny more the next day. I've noticed I've been way more tired lately. Im STARVED, and I'm not craving chocolate, I'm having cravings for food, lasagna(I never eat that), carbs, the good stuff, lol! The past few days I have been feeling nauseous at times, twice at night at around the same time, and once during a shopping trip. Im BLOATED, like no other, I even look pregnant, my belly has just decided to pop on out, I guess its all the carbs. Im burpy alot, gassy as well. My boobs do feel more heavy, but they dont look bigger and my nipples aren't darker.
I'm in a relationship with a guy for about 7 months now, this isn't what either of us are wanting we are both single parents. However, I'm always willing to share more love. I haven't been under any stress lately, everything is going pretty smoothly in my life. Im on BC, but conceived my last child on that as well, so not sure how much well it works for me. I feel like im having the early symptoms of pregnancy, and honestly feel pregnant. I took a test, cheap dollar store brand yesturday afternoon. It was negative, I have another to take in a few days if I still havent started. I know i've rambled alot, but I can't share this with anyone I know right now, what do you ladies think?
Posted by:
on Sep 2, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
Symptoms of pregnancy concerned
I am getting nervous! Only 2 days late, but I have been having pains for the last week in my belly and back about 3 or 4 times a day and it lasts for 3 minutes each. My breast are sore on and off every few days. Its hard to stand for long periods of time every muscle in my body is sore. I have had a speck (very very small not even noticable) of blood yesterday and today If I am still waiting on my period 3 days from now I guess I am going to have to take a test. If any one has any suggestions or comments please write back. I dont know waht to think.
Posted by:
on Aug 29, 2010
Early Signs of Pregnancy?
So, I'm not sure where to post this, but I'm supposed to get my period today, and since about a week and a half ago to 2 weeks ago I've been having brownish discharge, spotting maybe. It looks exactly like right before or right after your period and its the same amount, not heavier or lighter any day since so its very consistant. I'm not sure what it is, or what's going on, any ideas? I'm kind of waiting to see if it goes away after I get my period, assuming I get it at all. And its almost not possible that I would be pregnant because my husband is very strict about using condoms, so I'm almost certain that cannot be it.