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Chart Heading | Chart Code / Description |
Cycle Day | 1 to N. The first day of menstruation marks cycle day 1. |
Date | The calendar date corresponding to the cycle day. Dates are in the format MM/dd, where MM is the month, and dd is the day of month. |
Time | The time BBT was taken, in Hour:Minute format. |
Weekday | S,M,T,W,T,F,S. The weekday on which the date falls (Sunday, Monday, etc.) |
DPO | 1 to N. Days Past Ovulation (Luteal Phase). Only shown if ovulation date recorded as having occurred during this cycle. |
BBT Temp Range | The BBT temperature range will be either in F (fahrenheit) or C (celsius), depending on member's temperature unit setting. The range encompasses the minimum and maximum BBT temperature during the cycle being charted. |
Period | Filled in for each period day tracked. = Light Flow = Medium Flow = Heavy Flow = Spotting Flow |
Spotting | Non-menstrual/mid-cycle spotting. displays for any day spotting was tracked during this cycle. |
Cerv Fluid | No abbreviation used. Displays cervical fluid data (sticky, eggwhite, etc.). |
Cerv Pos | Cervical Position = Low = Medium = High |
Cerv Firm | Cervical Firmness: =Soft =Medium =Firm |
Cerv Opn | Cervical Opening: =Closed =Medium =Open |
BD | Intercourse: =Yes |
PregTest | Pregnancy Test: for Postive, for Negative |
OPK | Ovulation Predictor Kit: for Postive, for Negative |
Ferning | Ferning Test: =None =Partial =Full |
FertMon | Fertility Monitor: =High =Low =Peak |
Cycle Symptom | Cycle Symptoms (Ovarian Pain, Cramps, Headache, Breast Tenderness): =Mild =Moderate =Severe |
- - - Dashed Blue Line | A dashed blue line between two bbt temps indicates a break in BBT tracking: either BBT was not tracked for 1 or more days in between, or one or more BBT temps were discarded (marked by member as not valid). |
Depending on the member's chart sharing options, only some of the data listed above may appear on the chart.
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