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Menstrual Cramp Solutions

What's your solution for menstrual cramps?

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Posted by: CindyG83 on Oct 3, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions


What works best for me is Chamomile tea. I usually can handle the cramps, considering mine start about a week prior to my period. It usually worsens about two days before my period and that's when I start drinking my chamomile tea. It works almost instantly and takes away the back pain that I also get along with the cramping.

Overall Relate Rating: 1 Ratings

Posted by: icecold900 on Sep 16, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions


hello guys. I am new here.. I have sever cramps for the first two days of my periods.. I find that applying warm compress to my lower belly always helps, also I drink lots of hot tea.. works well for me .


Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings

Posted by: melsal on Aug 18, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Raspberry Leaf

The most amazing herbal remedy for menstrual cramps is raspberry leaf tea. Not, raspberry flavored tea, but actual raspberry leaf. You can get bulk dried raspberry leaves, or Yogi Tea makes a "Woman's Raspberry Leaf" Tea. Drink one cup and less than 1/2 hour later the cramps are gone.

Seriously- I have recommended this to all of my girlfriends and they all rave about it. I can't believe that more people haven't discovered this miracle herb!

Raspberry leaf, like many herbs, is not recommended for regular use if you are pregnant, however if using for menstrual cramps, this warning wouldn't apply.

Overall Relate Rating: 4 Ratings

Posted by: dazy on Aug 15, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Meditation can help overcome menstrual cramps!!!

I am one of the luck ones I get cramps so bad I'm doubled over in pain and some times vomiting. Yep pee!!! Right? Well my remedy might sound silly but I just focused on the pain and in my mind I watch it get smaller and smaller and then I take a deep breath and blow it out. Meditation really helps me all the pain medicines I've tried have never helped. I've just learned to overcome it. The power of the mind is a great thing.

Overall Relate Rating: 3 Ratings

Posted by: kaja on Aug 9, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

Let's deal with it girls!!!!

I find every month varies and therefore different techniques are required. Walk as much as you can, don't eat heavy food, feminax painkillers are excellent as well as hot water bottle. I Drink lots of water and take magnesium. It helps me as I do suffer most of the time from my period period.

Overall Relate Rating: 0 Ratings

Posted by: amysmom on Jul 20, 2008
Menstrual Cramp Solutions

First day owies

Just like you all, I suffer from horrible cramps on the first day. My legs also hurt really bad. What comforts me is hot ginger tea, a pair of my husbands tight fitting tube socks, really baggy sweat pants, a hot water bottle and lots of sleep. I also will have my husband sit on my legs, the pressure feels so good.

Overall Relate Rating: 2 Ratings

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